About SuperPro 6100 Programmer Software
SuperPro 6100 Programmer Software 2024 is a free software toolchain in the English language download. This driver, we have checked it on Windows 7. The driver is running smoothly. If you install the software, there is no need to install a separate driver for the SuperPro 6100 programmer. SuperPro 6100 programmer can be available on olx but on olx, you can get not a great quality machine.
Before you buy anything from online national or international platform
It can happen that the wire of the SuperPro 6100 programmer adapter may be broken or not working adapter. So it is advisable to look carefully or fully avoid websites like olx, eBay, etc for new one. As SuperPro 6100 programmer comes with an also lesser price that we can afford. This toolkit very helpful in programming bios which are very helpful in laptop repairing cases – no display for laptop, no display for desktop, sometimes controllers like keyboard, mouse, pch, sio not working.
Programmer Information
SuperPro 6100 programmer is one of the famous programmers for laptop bios programming in laptop repairing.
It is also used in desktop motherboard repair for formatting bios. This programmer comes at at 1,35,683.46 Indian Ruppes at mouser.in website. There is also universal bios programmer available at price 5,100 indian rupees as which called as RT809F bios programmer for advanced bios editing. The specification for rt809f bios programmer are as follows.
Rating | 4.3 out of 5 stars rating. Total :- 17 ratings |
Product Size Approximate | 148 mm x 216 mm x 94 mm |
Operating Voltage Supply | A1.2 V to 5 V |
Devices Support | Supports 24,083 devices from up to 161 chip manufacturers. |
Programmer Type | Programmers – Universal & Memory Based |
Manufacturer | Xeltek |
Place of Origin | India |
Weight | 2.449 kg |
Programmer purchase instructions
the SuperPro 6100 programmer is available for purchase. You can buy it and use it. It comes with Bios chip 2 holders , small board for different type of bios holding and SuperPro 6100 programmer adapter and wire to connect to computer. First setup by removing the Bios which have to programmed from laptop or desktop and put it on the adapter for bios provided with SuperPro 6100 with box.
Then You have to connect the wire which comes with the programmer to the computer or desktop and the start the software.
you can download the bios files for free of cost. Find them according to your laptop motherboard model.
How to install SuperPro 6100 Programmer toolkit software
You have to install the SuperPro 6100 Programmer toolkit software on your computer. from below
After the successful writing BIOS you can close the software and remove the bios. Then insert it into the laptop motherboard and the problem must be fixed.
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